Stem cells: what therapeutic prospects?

Blood stem cell transplantation to treat diseases of the blood and immune system or to reconstitute the blood system following treatment for certain cancers is the best established and most widely used of stem cell therapies.

What are the advantages of stem cells? Generated by the embryo at a very early stage of development, embryonic stem cells have two important capabilities: that of being able to auto-propagate indefinitely, simply by dividing (self-renewal), and that of being able to create all types of cells of the organism (multipotency).

CordSavings is a biotechnology company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering services for the conservation of newborn umbilical cord blood and tissues. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - Therapeutic perspectives

Stem Cell Therapeutic Perspectives

Stored stem cells offer significant therapeutic prospects, including the possibility of saving your child’s life. They are more compatible and increase the chances of successfully treating a family member. Their medical potential is immense, and research continues to improve their capabilities.

Benefits of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Umbilical cord stem cells are more accessible and effective than bone marrow stem cells. For transplants intended for a brother or sister of the newborn, they offer better compatibility and reduce the risk of rejection, thus increasing post-transplant survival. transplantation. More than 80 diseases are currently treated by stem cell transplants, and their potential for regenerative medicine is widely recognised.

Classification of Diseases Treatable with Cord Blood

The Parent’s Guide To Cord Blood website lists the diseases treated with cord blood, classified into three categories: standard therapies, therapies in clinical trials, and experimental treatments. This information is crucial to understanding the therapeutic potential of cord stem cells.

Stem Cell Treatment Methods

It is essential to distinguish between two treatment methods before choosing a cord blood bank:

  • Allogeneic: the patient receives stem cells from a compatible donor, whether a brother, sister or unrelated donor.
  • Autologous: the patient receives his or her own stem cells. By registering cord blood in a family bank, parents ensure that their child can use his or her own cells for autologous treatment, or that an immediate family member can benefit from related allogeneic treatment.

Standard stem cell therapies

Standard haematopoietic stem cell therapies (HSCT) cover around 80 diseases. These therapies are a standard treatment for some diseases, and for others they are used when first-line treatments have failed or the disease is particularly aggressive. The Parent’s Guide To Cord Blood website lists all the therapies using haematopoietic stem cells, whether derived from bone marrow, peripheral blood or cord blood.

We are here to inform you

Take a look at our selection of articles on medical news from our region and around the world, as well as articles on stem cell therapies, both existing and being researched, around the world and in Switzerland.

CordSavings is a biotechnology company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering services for the conservation of newborn umbilical cord blood and tissues. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - Therapeutic perspectives