
Are you interested and do you envisage having your baby’s stem cells conserved and stored in our laboratory in the French-speaking part of Switzerland? We’re at your service to accompany you on your journey, to answer your questions and to keep you informed.

Everything you need to know about preserving your baby's stem cells

Collection at the moment of birth is simple, natural and safe for both baby and mother.

The arrival of a baby is accompanied by many medical procedures, and the preservation of umbilical cord blood may seem like an extra step. However, it is crucial to stress that this process is painless, effortless for the mother and easily carried out by qualified medical staff. Collection at the time of birth is very simple, natural and safe for both baby and mother. What’s more, the local health staff appreciate our expertise, and we have established a solid bond of trust with them.

  • Stem cells are collected when your baby is born by medical staff who are authorised to do this.
  • It’s completely painless for mum and doesn’t represent an additional ordeal.
  • So that you’re ready on D-day,

“The unique opportunity of conserving stem cells at birth offers the chance of stem cell therapy or successful transplants for your child.”

CordSavings is a biotechnology company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering services for the conservation of newborn umbilical cord blood and tissues. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - How we work

How the process works

Are you interested in preserving your baby's stem cells and storing them in our laboratory in French-speaking Switzerland? We are at your service to help you through the process, answer your questions and provide you with all the information you need. Our team will also be happy to send you information documents and the parents' contract. To do this, you can use the contact form to send us your request, or you can call us using the contact details at the top of the page. Our team has set up a customer service from 8am to 8pm.

Pacours cord or tissue stem cell harvesting

Contact and documentation

We’re there for you, to listen and accompany you in your journey. If you would like to get to know the benefits of conserving stem cells and establish an initial contact, our team will answer your call and do its best to answer your questions. We’ll be there for you every step of the way.

Pre-payment, payment and financing plan

We offer various financing formulas with payment plans adapted to you financial possibilities. Whatever your country of residence, don’t hesitate to contact us, we’re there to respond to your requests in the shortest time possible.

Delivery of sampling kit

We provide you with a collection kit with all the material the health personnel in attendance at the birth will need for the conservation of your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells. (Specific neonatal collection material, available in 24 hours).

Sample collection by medical staff

After the birth, the health personnel will take care of collecting the sample and placing it in the kit.

Transport and handling of the sampling kit

A transport company commissioned by CordSavings will come and pick up the kit from your home or health establishment and take it to our laboratory. Contrôle, analyse au sein de notre laboratoire

Control and analysis in our laboratory

We carry out the essential quality controls and biological analyses (bacteriology, serology, PCR, etc.) The cord blood will be processed in our laboratory. If you so choose, we can also process the cord tissue.

Storage facilities, our biobank and laboratory in Monthey

The stem cells will be conserved and stored in our biobank in Monthey in Switzerland. Storage is organised in accordance with the conservation time chosen (from 5 to 50 years)

Stem cell availability and claims

Grafts are made available quickly and securely anywhere in the world. They are rich in stem cells, and can if necessary be delivered to you for use in case of treatments.

Meet our team

Meet our team of professionals, who are on hand to support you throughout the process and answer any initial questions you may have.

CordSavings is a biotechnology company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering services for the conservation of newborn umbilical cord blood and tissues. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - How we work