From the moment your child is born, stem cell preservation is a guarantee of lifelong health.

Conserving cord stem cells

Making the umbilical cord a precious link even after birth

CordSavings, as a private bank for the conservation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood and tissue, is in daily contact with health professionals to accompany you in your process of conserving your baby’s umbilical cord blood.

  • Keeping umbilical cord blood after the birth of your baby is an invaluable biological insurance policy.
  • The unique opportunity at birth to preserve stem cells offers the chance of successful stem cell therapies or transplants for your child.
  • In the case of a transplant intended for a brother or sister of the newborn, they are also more compatible and pose far fewer problems of rejection.

We are here to inform you

The umbilical cord can give life twice.

Preserving stem cells is a unique opportunity at birth. With no discomfort and completely painless for the mother, this is a chance to treat your child by offering the possibility of stem cell therapies or successful transplants.

Stem cells offer great therapeutic prospects. They have great medical potential, not just present but also future, as research continues to find new applications.

CordSavings is a biotechnology company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering services for the conservation of newborn umbilical cord blood and tissues. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - Our services - Cord blood

Preserving your baby's stem cells for private autologous or family use

Today, stem cells are highly sought-after for transplants and their therapeutic use in transplantation is recognised. They offer major prospects for regenerative medicine.

We store blood and bone marrow stem cells for you. cord fabric umbilical.

Umbilical cord blood is a precious source of stem cells with immense therapeutic prospects. It contains two types of stem cells: blood stem cells, which produce red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, and tissue stem cells. These cells are used to treat over 80 haematological and oncological diseases.

Umbilical cord stem cells are truly unique and are capable of treating many diseases and regenerating organs. Serious studies have shown them to be highly effective, particularly in treating blood cancer and regenerating the heart after a heart attack.

These cells offer optimum compatibility, providing valuable biological insurance for your child and his or her family. They guarantee a high level of compatibility in the event of transplantation, and increase post-transplant survival.

Stored in our modern facilities in BioArk de Monthey, these stem cells represent an essential reserve for your child’s future recovery.

CordSavings is a biotechnology company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering services for the conservation of newborn umbilical cord blood and tissues. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - Our services - Cord blood
CordSavings is a biotechnology company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering services for the conservation of newborn umbilical cord blood and tissues. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - Our services - Cord blood

Find out more about usFind out more about us

Competence and professionalism

All CordSavings laboratory staff have extensive practical and academic experience in the fields of perinatal stem cells and pharmacology. Our team is consistently attentive to the samples entrusted to it, and our expertise in the field of umbilical cord stem cells places CordSavings at the cutting edge of research.

Listening and caring

Our team is made up of people who are passionate about what they do and who care about the well-being of parents. It’s people who define values, and CordSavings is a team that puts its strong values at your service to support you every step of the way with kindness and professionalism.

Integrity and transparency

Our team places human values at the heart of its work. As an independent company, with no links to large multinationals, we maintain our integrity intact, preserving our values of proximity, a people-focused ethic and transparency that we aim to be beyond reproach.

Discover our other services

Cord tissue contains some remarkable stem cells called mesenchymal stem cells. It is these stem cells that currently appear to offer the most promising possibilities for future treatments in regenerative medicine. All of us here hope that, when our children have grown up, these stem cells will be routinely used to treat numerous diseases that today are not addressed by current therapies.