
Our authorisations are a guarantee of the seriousness of our company, and that the standards for the import, export and long-term cryopreservation of stem cell samples are respected.

We offer a high-quality, high-tech service package that is fully accountable to these two health authorities.

Our laboratory complies with a strict quality assurance system.

  • Our company is required to report its activities to the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (OFSP).
  • The company is inspected at least every 2 years by the Swiss authority for the supervision and authorisation of therapeutic products, Swissmedic.
  • CordSavings has obtained IATA certification for the transport of dangerous goods. We meet the requirements for air transport of dangerous goods UN 3373.

We are here to inform you

Extension of our FOPH and Swissmedic authorisations

Following various inspections by Swissmedic and on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH), our laboratory’s operating licences have been strengthened.

CordSavings is a biotech company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering conservation services for newborn umbilical cord blood and tissue. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - About us - Our licences

Swissmedic - so you can rely on therapeutic products

Swissmedic, Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products

Swissmedic is the authorisation and control authority for therapeutic products in Switzerland. Swissmedic‘s tasks are based on the law on therapeutic products. As a public-law body of the Swiss Confederation, the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (the Agency), based in Berne, is autonomous in its organisation and management and has its own budget.

The institute is financed largely by fees and to a lesser extent by compensation paid by the Confederation for services of general interest. Swissmedic is attached to the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA). As a strategic body, the Institute Council represents Swissmedic‘s interests vis-à-vis the DFI and the Federal Council. It also approves Swissmedic‘s budget, annual accounts and annual report. In accordance with the guiding principles set out in the Federal Council’s report on corporate governance, Swissmedic is managed by strategic objectives. The Institute’s Board draws up these objectives on the basis of the requirements set out in the revised Therapeutic Products Act (TPG), and submits them to the Federal Council for approval. The strategic objectives are based on an analysis of the context from which the Institute’s Board has deduced a development programme for the coming years.

The range of activities carried out by the institute stems from its legal mandate and is tailored to the needs of its stakeholders. Key target groups include patients, the therapeutic products industry, medical professionals, authorities and organisations in Switzerland and abroad, and the media.The Institute’s key tasks include:

  • marketing authorisations for medicinal products (AMM) ;
  • operating licences for manufacturing and wholesale, as well as inspections ;
  • market surveillance of medicinal products and medical devices ;
  • criminal proceedings ;
  • clinical studies and laboratory analyses of drug quality;
  • standardisation ;
  • information ;
  • national and international collaboration.

FOPH - The Federal Office of Public Health is the federal office responsible for public health in Switzerland.

The FOPH is responsible for the health of the population, develops health policy and is committed to ensuring the sustainability of an efficient and financially viable Swiss healthcare system.

The FOPH‘s mission: They are competently committed to public health, promote a healthy lifestyle and work for the well-being of the population of our country. It ensures that our healthcare system remains efficient and affordable. The main provisions concerning health are enshrined in the Federal Constitution. The Office is responsible for applying more than 20 laws and numerous ordinances based on these standards. The scope of their activities is therefore vast: social health and accident insurance, regulation of chemicals and medicines, legislation on biosafety, human research and transplant medicine, health promotion, national programmes to combat addiction and sexually transmitted diseases, radiation protection, regulation of the medical professions and university health. They represent Switzerland’s health interests in international organisations and in dealings with other countries. Their activity reports: The FOPH publishes activity reports on various topics, such as radiation protection or the national HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) programme, which it makes available to its partners and to the public.

IATA, International Air Transport Association

The International Air Transport Association is an international trade organisation of air transport companies.

IATA makes regulations for the shipment of dangerous goods and publishes the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) manual, a globally recognised reference for airlines carrying dangerous goods. CordSavings has been awarded the IATA certificate for the transport of dangerous goods. We meet the requirements for the transport of UN 3373 dangerous goods by air. This certificate is recognised by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA).

CordSavings is a biotech company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering conservation services for newborn umbilical cord blood and tissue. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - About us - Our licences