Cord blood

We store cord blood cells for you

Stem cells from the umbilical cord have unique value. They have the capacity to cure many diseases or regenerate organs. Over the last two decades, a number of very serious studies have shown that stem cells offer very promising results in medical and regenerative terms.

Thanks to their regenerative properties, stem cells have immense potential in medicine. The umbilical cord is a prime source of stem cells, present in both blood and umbilical tissue. Today, they are used in numerous therapies for over 80 diseases, including blood diseases and cancer.

The medical profession and researchers recognise the current and future potential of stem cells and the importance of preserving them. Stem cells from blood and cord tissue offer optimal compatibility and high concentration, and create valuable biological insurance for your child and their loved ones, reducing the risk of rejection.

CordSavings is a biotech company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering conservation services for newborn umbilical cord blood and tissue. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - About us - Our licences
CordSavings is a biotech company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering conservation services for newborn umbilical cord blood and tissue. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - About us - Our licences

Cord fabric

We store umbilical cord tissue cells for you

The most remarkable stem cells are also present in cord tissue. They are called mesenchymal stem cells. It is these stem cells that currently offer the most promising treatment possibilities in regenerative medicine.

And the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) found in umbilical cord tissue are used to repair tissues affected by disease or to repair organs. They also have a very important capacity in the field of regenerative medicine.

Stockpiling is a valuable form of medical insurance, and both medicine and research continue to evolve on a regular basis, with very promising progress.

The stem cells are carefully stored on our premises at the BioArk in Monthey throughout the life of your contract. In this way, your child’s stem cells can form a biological reserve that can provide important support for his or her recovery, should the need arise.

CordSavings is a biotech company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering conservation services for newborn umbilical cord blood and tissue. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - About us - Our licences

Our biobanking and B2B services

We can store a wide range of biological samples for you

We can store a wide range of biological samples for you: tissues, cells, materials for genetic analysis and liquids. We are a master and functional cell bank for cell line development and/or production.

Since 2012, the CordSavings cryolaboratory has been located in the Swiss biotechnology complex dedicated to life sciences, BioArk (an offshoot of The Ark Foundation in the canton of Valais). Ideally located, 2 steps from a motorway entrance and exit, our premises are modern and functional for a feeling of comfort.

We offer ;

– 55 m2 dedicated to storage, volume for more than 100,000 cryoflasks. The storage area contains cryogenic equipment (in the vapour phase of
liquid nitrogen< -150°C) and freezers at -80°C.
– A quality assurance system, particularly for our laboratory. (Laboratory (40 m2) mainly dedicated to the umbilical cord and the circulatory system).

We have:

Accreditation with Swissmedic (the Swiss regulatory authority)
Accreditation with IATA (transport authorisation)
Equipment certification, maintenance and calibration plan
Alarms, round-the-clock surveillance

CordSavings can store a wide range of biological samples for you:
Material for genetic analyses

We are a master and functional cell bank for the development of cell lines and/or production.

In vapour phase over liquid nitrogen or at -80°C.

Flexibility in the choice of storage dewar:
Cryogenic vials

Access your products at any time.
Possibility of cryogenic transport: prices to be established on request

CordSavings is a biotech company and biobank in Monthey, specialising in the cryopreservation of umbilical cord stem cells, offering conservation services for newborn umbilical cord blood and tissue. About us - Our laboratory at BioArk - About us - Our licences
CordSavings est une entreprise de biotechnologie et une biobanque à Monthey, spécialisée dans la cryoconservation des cellules souches du cordon ombilical, offrant des services de conservation du sang et des tissus de cordon ombilical des nouveau-nés. A propos - Notre laboratoire au BioArk - Nos services - Tous nos services